This feature is only available for PRO Connect or Work Subscribers.
You can use email templates that contain information that you send out regularly, which will ensure the consistency of your corporate communication. This will help expedite your email process by making this content easily accessible.
Note: Only administrators can create and edit templates that are usable for your whole company. However, any user can set up and edit their own personal templates to use. If you'd like to learn how to create an email template for your own use, click here.
Create a new company-wide template:
- Click on the Admin icon in the navigation bar on the left.
- Click on the Company Email Templates tab on the left.
- Choose the folder the template will reside in. If at this time you need to create a new folder for it, view the “Create a new email template folder” section below.
- Once a folder is chosen, you’ll be able to create your email template.
- Type in the title of your template within the title field.
- The Subject field will be the subject line of the email you send out.
- If you’d like to use the default signature, ensure the Use Default Signature box is checked. If you'd like to learn how to create or edit your email signature, click here. Or if you'd like to setup a custom email signature for this template, do not select the Use Default Signature box and use merge fields to create a custom signature at the bottom of your email template.
- The Body field will be the body message of your email. Important: Do not paste copy from Microsoft Word / Outlook / etc. This can copy code "behind the scenes" that will not allow you to save.
- You can add merge fields to your email by clicking on the desired merge field, then paste that copy into where you’d like for this copy to show. Clicking on the merge field will copy the text needed. Note: You can use most merge fields within the subject and body fields. The only merge field you cannot use in the subject line is the Company Logo merge field. All merge fields can be used in the body section.
- Once you have your template created, click the Add Template button. You will then see the template within the folder you’ve chosen on the right.
Create a new email template folder:
- Click on the Admin icon in the navigation bar on the left.
- Click on the Company Email Templates tab on the left.
- Click the Manage Folders link at the top.
- Name the folder.
- Click Add Folder.
- You can then adjust your email templates by clicking the Email Templates link at the top.