If you're using another job management software program, we'll credit the cost of one month of that competitor's charges to your Work subscription (up to a maximum of $135.00).
Now, for the fine print:
To receive the credit, simply provide us with a copy of your most recent invoice/payment to your existing job management solution provider.
The current list of eligible competitor providers includes:
Estimate (www.estimatesoftware.com)
Sign Tracker (www.sign-tracker.com)
Cyrious (www.cyrious.com)
Corebridge (www.corebridge.net)
Square Coil (www.squarecoil.com)
GraphixCALC (www.graphixcalc.com)
Ordant (www.ordant.com)
Signimate (www.signimate.com)
Casper (www.casperonthecloud.com)
Shopvox (www.shopvox.com)
Jobscope (www.jobscope.com)
Sign Agent (www.signagent.com)
Monday (www.monday.com)
Trello (www.trello.com)
Your competitor subscription must be active at the time you sign up for a Work subscription.
Your Work subscription must be active (cannot be in Trial status), and must have a valid credit card associated with your VCG subscription.
Credits applied to your Work subscription cannot be exchanged for cash or refund.