This feature is only available for PRO Connect or Work Subscribers.
While we're planning on implementing integration with several shipping providers (FedEx, UPS, USPS), you can include relevant shipping charges in the Quote Builder by following these easy steps:
For Admins, first, we need to make sure that the Quote Item exists in Item Manager. If it doesn't:
- Click on the Admin icon in the navigation bar on the left.
- Click on the Item Manager tab on the left.
- Click CATEGORIES in the top sub-nav.
- Click the Add New Category button.
- Add Shipping in the Category name field (or use any other label you'd like) and click Create Category.
- Click ITEMS in the top sub-nav.
- Click Add New Item.
- Create a new Quote Item and label it "Shipping" (or whatever label you'd like to use to identify it).
- Fill in any other relevant fields for your own reference.
- Choose a Calculation Type of Shipping.
- Leave the Item Price at $0.
If the shipping Quote Item exists in Item Manager, we're ready to add shipping charges to our quote:
- Create your quote with relevant products/services.
- Click Add Item.
- Select Shipping (or whatever label used when creating the item) and click Add Item.
- Enter in the shipping charges that you want to apply to the quote.
- Click Add Item to Quote.