This feature is only available for PRO Connect or Work Subscribers.
Terms and Conditions are provided on the second page of a printed quote.
You can have multiple Terms and Conditions to meet varying needs. When creating a new quote, the user can choose from whatever available Terms and Conditions you've setup in Item Manager.
To create a new Terms and Conditions in the Item Manager
- Click on the Admin icon in the navigation bar on the left.
- Click on the Item Manager tab on the left.
- Click on TERMS AND CONDITIONS in top sub-nav.
- Click on Add New Terms & Conditions.
- Assign an Internal Label to identify the Terms & Conditions in the drop-down selection when creating a new quote.
- Create your Terms & Conditions content. Note, if you are copy pasting from an existing document, please copy into a non-HTML (text formatting) editing program such as Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac), save the document and then copy from Notepad or TextEdit and paste into the Content field in Work.
- Click Create Terms & Conditions.