This feature is only available for PRO Connect Subscribers.
Navigate to the Vendor's profile. If you're unsure of how to do this, please view our Search like a PRO user guide.
Create new rating criteria (if you haven't already):
- Click on the PRO Details tab.
- Click on the plus symbol in the upper right in the Past Jobs & Ratings section.
- Click the Add Ratings Criteria link.
- Name the rating or review criteria. Some examples of rating criteria include: General, Timeliness, Quality, Responsiveness, etc.
- Click Submit.
- Now when you're internally rating a vendor, you can give them a different rating for each criteria. You will still be able to leave a comment as well.
To rate a vendor for internal use only:
- Click on the PRO Details tab.
- Click the Rate this job link on the job you'd like to rate.
- Provide a one (1) to five (5) star rating. One star means poor, five stars means excellent. The ratings can be used in half-star increments.
- Type in a comment into the Comments section if you'd like.
- Click Save Changes.
- You must have added this vendor to a job's bid queue or have awarded the job to the vendor.
- You can also publicly rate vendors in PRO. Click here to learn how.