This feature is only available for PRO Connect or Work Subscribers.
To view your jobs on a map:
- Click on the Jobs tab near the top.
- Click on the Map (globe) icon in the upper-right.
Any jobs you've added will be visible on the search results map. If you're not sure how to add jobs, click here to learn how. If you're not sure how to perform your search, click here.
Your jobs will be indicated on the map with an sign post icon. The icon's color will be dependent on the job's status. There is a search legend available in the bottom-left, but here are what these icons mean:
- - Archived
- - Awarded
- - Cancelled
- - Closed
- - Complete
- - In-progress
- - Lost
- - Opportunity
- - Out for Bid
- - Pending
- - Proposal
In the Job's tab, you'll also see a color bar on the job according to the job status.
To turn off jobs on the map page, click the Hide Jobs option in the lower-right. To turn the jobs back on, click Show Jobs.
You can also filter your jobs by clicking the Filter icon next to the Show Jobs option in the lower-left.