This feature is only available for PRO Connect or Work Subscribers.
Please note that this is not a free service. Contact us for an estimate.
Establishing your existing vendor connections in your PRO instance is a key element to maximizing your results from using PRO because your users can easily identify your company's pre-approved vendors in a search result.
The process is simple (from your perspective anyway). You provide us with the necessary information via spreadsheet and we will provide the services necessary to establish the connections with participating PRO vendors. Here's a KB article on what's needed.
We will provide you with a detailed report of the results of the PRO Network connection exercise. Please note, however, that we provide this service once, and all future management of your PRO Network is done by you through your PRO instance. We will provide training to ensure that you have a clear understanding of how easy this is handled from within PRO.
We recognize the likelihood that we will not be able to match all of your records with records from participating PRO vendors. Unmatched records that meet the minimum requirements will be added to your PRO instance as approved vendors for your company and are not viewable by any other PRO company. These vendors will be differentiated differently in a search result so that your users can easily recognize that the data presented is managed by your company and not by the vendor.