This feature is only available for PRO Connect or Work Subscribers.
You can edit a Task by following these steps:
- Click on Task Board icon in the navigation bar on the left. Note: You can also edit a Task by viewing the Job and clicking on the Job's Task Board tab.
- Click on the Task that you'd like to edit. Note: You can use the Search and Filter options at the top to easily find the Task you're looking for.
- Update the fields on the right-hand side:
- Label (required): This is the name of your Task.
- Description (optional): This is used to provide a description of the task.
- Select the desired Priority (optional): High, Medium, Low.
- Progress (optional)
- Start / End Date (optional): This will add this Task to your company Calendar.
- Users: This is used to assign this task to a User(s).
- Task Resources (optional): Select the required resources for this Task.
Administrators can add Task Categories, Task Templates, and Task Resources: