This service is only available for PRO Connect Subscribers
Please note that this is not a free service. Contact us for an estimate.
SignsearchPRO support services will attempt to make Network Connections within PRO for all of the sign vendors in your current vendor network. We'll also add any custom "for your eyes only" data fields to accommodate any information you've retained about your vendors.
- While an email address is required from the vendor to participate in PRO, you are not required to provide one. We do, however, highly recommend that you provide one where possible so that we can ensure the most accuracy in trying to locate and establish your connections with vendor records in our master database.
- Because the vendor is responsible for managing their data (removing this burden from you), any data that you provide for any of PRO's standard or extended fields will not be imported / updated.
- You may submit any number of custom-to-you fields and / or files to be added to a vendor record. All custom fields that you provide, as well as any documentation that is specific to your company (COI’s and the like), will be imported and made private and available to your users only.
- Please ensure that your data is provided / formatted exactly as described below (where applicable). Data that is formatted incorrectly will incur additional charges.
Below is a list of standard and extended PRO vendor fields.
Standard PRO vendor fields, with required fields noted in bold and by *
Standard PRO vendor fields are basic fields that are used to identify a specific vendor (ex, company name, address, etc). The only data that we require to attempt to establish your PRO Network Connections is highlighted in bold, followed by an asterisk.
Company - Company Name *
Company - Address *
Company - City *
Company - State * (official two character State or Province code)
Company - Country (either USA or Canada)
Company - Zipcode * (for USA formatted as XXXXX, no zip +4, for Canada formatted as XXX XXX)
Company - Phone1 * (formatted as XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Company - Phone2 (formatted as XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Company - Fax (formatted as XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Company - Fax2 (formatted as XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Company - Email Address (formatted as
Company - Website (formatted as
Primary Contact - Contact Title
Primary Contact - Contact Firstname
Primary Contact - Contact Lastname
Primary Contact - Contact Position
Primary Contact - Contact Phone (formatted as XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Primary Contact - Contact Email (formatted as
Custom PRO vendor fields
If you have vendor fields that you'd like to import as custom fields, or if you have any files (pdf’s, images, COI’s, etc.) that you'd like added to a vendor record, please let us know. All custom fields that you provide, as well as any documentation that is specific to your company (COI’s and the like), will be imported and made private and available to your users only.
Examples of custom fields might include:
- EIN's
- Invoice Numbers
- Purchase Orders
- Internal rating
- Notes