This feature is only available for PRO Connect or Work Subscribers.
Follow these steps:
- Click on the Jobs icon in the navigation bar on the left.
- If the Job you'd like to edit is an active Job, it should show on this page. If the job you'd like to edit is either Archived or Cancelled, you'll need to click the (Archived / Cancelled Jobs) link in the upper left. You can then toggle back to the active Jobs by clicking back on (Active Jobs) link.
- Click on the Job you'd like to edit.
- Click the Edit icon (pencil) link on the information you'd like to update.
- Once the adjustment(s) have been made, click the Update Job button at the bottom of your screen.
Note: Updating the job's status or the user it's assigned to will alert the members of the Job Team via email. Click here to learn how users can adjust their Job Notification settings.