This feature is only available for PRO Connect Subscribers.
- If you're unsure of how to request bids from vendors, please view our how to request and approve bids user guide.
- You'll need to navigate to the job that you're managing the bids for. If you're unsure of how to do this, click here.
- Once you're in the job, click the Bids tab on the left to manage your bids. If you'd like to learn how to award the bid to the vendor, click here to learn more.
Vendors added to the job bid queue:
You may want to build up a queue of vendors, then email some or all a bid request at once. Click here to learn how to add vendors to the job bid queue. If you've added vendors to your job bid queue, here's how you can proceed:
- Expand the Vendors Added to Job Bid Queue section.
- Check the corresponding box(es) to the vendor(s) you'd like to request a bid from.
- Click the Email List button at the bottom.
- You may want to use the default Bid Request email template from the Email Template drop down at the top. Note that you can add your own email templates as well, click here to learn more.
- Ensure all of this information is correct, then click the Send button at the bottom. This sends out a bid request to the selected vendor(s).
- Once you receive the bid from the vendor(s), you can either submit or award the bid. Click here and view the award bid section to learn how.
Enter a bid manually:
If you've received a bid through a third party and would like to enter it, you still can!
- Click the + New Bid link in the top right.
- Enter in the bid information.
- Click Submit at the bottom to submit it for your own personal reference or click the Award Bid button at the top to award the bid to the vendor. Important note: This does not inform the vendor that the bid has been awarded. You'll need to reach out to them to ensure that they're aware the bid has been awarded.
Note that you can learn more about these topics by clicking the blue question mark icon on the tab or header.