On Saturday August 3, 2019, at 10:00 AM CST, we will be updating your email account to the latest version of SmarterMail, the webmail interface that allows users to send and receive emails by connecting to a web browser, from version 16 to Build 7125
This upgrade will happen automatically, so there is no action necessary for you to accept the new version. You may lose email access for a short period of time; however, no email data will be lost during the upgrade. This upgrade will take two to three hours to complete.
Most of the changes in this update are "behind the scenes" and will not affect day-to-day emails. However, if you'd like to view a full list of the features that have been changed or added, click here.
If you have any questions about this update, please contact VCG Client Support.
Thank you,
Client Support
Visual Communications Group, Inc
Client Support Toll Free: 800.558.3054
Client Support
Visual Communications Group, Inc
Client Support Toll Free: 800.558.3054