1. Item (Required)
The Item is a searchable field that contains a user friendly name for the item. It is not displayed in the Quote that is provided to the customer. The Item name can be a maximum of 100 characters.
Example: Cabinet Sign - Double Sided
2. Internal Label
The Internal Label is an additional searchable field that can be used to provide a short description of the Item. The Internal Label can be a maximum of 100 characters.
Example: Flat plexiglass face
3. Text for Quote
The Text for Quote field is used to provide a short customer friendly description of the item. You have the option to print this short description on the customer Quote.
Example: Double sided cabinet sign
4. Category (Required)
The Category field is used to categorize your items. You can create as many categories as you'd like, and is used in reporting as well as a searchable field. The Category can be a maximum of 100 characters.
Example: Cabinet Sign
5. Calculation Type (Required)
The Calculation Type is used to perform the pricing calculation based on any of the following options:
HxW (square footage)
Examples: Banners, Cabinet Signs, Pylon Signs, Aluminum Signs, Vinyl Graphics
1Dimension (lineal dimension)
Examples: Channel Letters (price per inch), Raceways (price per foot), Dimensional Letters (price per inch)
Hourly (hourly rate)
Examples: Installation, Service, Shop Rates, Equipment Rates
QTY (quantity)
Examples: Banner Grommets, Poles, Wire Stakes, LED Lamps, Vehicle wraps (per total square foot or pre-established vehicle size, etc).
Markup (markup %)
Examples: Wholesale Signs, Banner Stands
Shipping (shipping)
Examples: Shipping or delivery costs
6. SKU
The SKU is a searchable field when looking up items. SKU's are often used to quickly find exactly the item you're looking for when you have a large inventory list that utilizes similar descriptions. The SKU can be a maximum of 100 characters.
7. Item Price
The Item Price field is used with the Calculation Type to determine the dollar value of the item. It is intended to be interpreted as the "selling price" of the item.
8. Minimum Price
If an item has a minimum price established, the total pre-tax, after discount total for that item cannot go below the set minimum.
9. Markup (expressed as a percentage)
The Markup field is used to provide a percentage markup on the wholesale cost of an item. The markup is only calculated on items that have a Calculation Type of Markup.
Examples: LED Message Center purchased wholesale, calculated with a 25% markup on wholesale cost
10. Enabled
The Enabled checkbox is used to enable (checked) or disable (unchecked) items from appearing to your users when creating quotes.
11. Taxable
The Taxable checkbox is used to determine if an item is subject to tax (used when calculating total taxes in a quote).
12. Print
The Print checkbox means that as a default, this item will be Printed on the customer-facing quote. However, when creating the quote, you will have an option to hide it.
13. Price Protect
If price protect is enabled for an item, users cannot change that item's pricing at time of quoting nor can they apply a discount towards that item.
14. Internal Description
The Internal Description field can be used to provide a longer description of the item or provide any additional information to your users. It is not displayed on the customer quote.