This feature is only available for PRO Connect or Work Subscribers.
To enable tracking and costing features for your user:
- Click your Username at the upper-right and select My Account.
- Click to enable the Tracking / Costing option.
- Click Update Account to save the changes. The Clock icon should now appear next to your username in the upper-right and the Time Tracking and Job Costing features will be available under Job Details.
Enable tracking/costing features for multiple users (Administrators only):
- Click the ADMIN tab at the top.
- Click on the Users tab on the left.
- Click on the edit symbol (pencil) to the right of the User you'd like to edit.
- Click to enable the Tracking / Costing option.
- Click Update Account to save the changes. The Clock icon should now appear next to your username in the upper-right and the Time Tracking and Job Costing features will be available under Job Details.